The name of the organization shall be “The Juniata County Sportsmen’s Association, Inc.”
The purpose of the organization shall be to encourage and advance the organized safe shooting thru match promotion and educational programs for the purpose of advancing fine accuracy and greater safety with all firearms.
No member, officer or director of the Juniata County Sportsmen’s Association Inc. or any private individual shall be entitled to share in the distribution of any of the J.C.S.A. assets upon dissolution. Without limitation to the foregoing, no member, officer or director of the J.C.S.A. or any private individual shall be entitled to any real estate owned by the J.C.S.A. or the proceeds of the sale thereof. Upon dissolution, all remaining assets shall be distributed to an organization supporting shooting sports, or to a devoted wild, preservation, hunting or fishing, for its exempt purpose; provided that said organization is exempt from federal income taxation.
Section 1. The Association shall consist of active, associate, junior, life and honorary members.
Section 2. Any male or female of good moral character beyond the age of sixteen years may become a member of the Association, provided he or she obligates their self to the purposes of the Association.
Section 3. To be an associate member in good standing, he or she must annually pay their dues. An associate member will have the privileges of full use of the Association’s facilities as directed by the Board of Trustees.
Section 4. To be an active member he or she shall annually pay their dues, have attended a majority of the regular Association meetings in the past year, and give full support to the activities and committees of the Association. He or she will be approved by the Board of Trustees for active membership. In addition to having the privileges of an associate member, an active member will have the privilege of voting on Association business, voting in Association elections and holding an elected office of the Association.
Section 5. A junior member shall be anyone sixteen years of age or younger who annually pays their dues. A junior member shall have the privilege to use the Association facilities in the presence of an adult member.
Section 6. A life member shall pay a onetime fee established by the Board of Trustees and must be approved for membership by the Board of Trustees. A special senior life membership shall be available to those over the age sixty (60). A life member shall have all the rights and privileges of an active member.
Section 7. Honorary members shall be elected by the Board of Trustees. They will have the rights and privileges of an active member.
Section 8. A member may apply to the Board of Trustees for waiver of certain membership requirements due to special circumstances.
Section 1. A president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer shall constitute the Executive Officers of the Association. They shall hold office for one year or whenever their successors are elected and installed.
Section 2. There shall be a Board of Trustees consisting of seven members, they shall be voted into office as follows: Two trustees shall be elected each year for a tree year term and one trustee shall be elected each year for a one year term. The number of votes received will determine the respective terms of the candidates. The person getting the most votes serving the three year term and so on.
Section 3. Only active members in good standing shall serve in the capacities named above.
Section 1. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. He shall preside at all meetings. He shall issue calls for regular and special meetings both of the Association and of the board of trustees. He shall appoint the standing administrative and activities committees; and shall act as ex officio member of each. He shall see that these committees function and shall cooperate with the committee chairperson to that end. He shall call for regular committee reports. He shall see that regular elections are held in accordance with the constitution.
Section 2. If for any reason the President shall become unable to perform his or her duties, the Vice President, next in rank, shall occupy the office of President and perform such duties, having the same authority as the President.
Section 3. If for any reason the office of President shall become vacant, the Vice President shall succeed the President in office, whereupon the Board of Trustees shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy of Vice President.
Section 4. The Vice President, under the direction of the President, shall oversee the functioning of such committees as the President shall designate.
Section 5. The duties of the Secretary shall be to record and keep permanent records of all general meetings and the meetings of the Board of Trustees. Duties of the Secretary shall also include taking care of correspondence, communications and receipt of all monies.
Section 6. The Treasurer shall receive all monies from the Secretary, giving his or her receipt for the same, and deposit such monies in a bank acceptable to the Association. The Treasurer shall pay all bills at the direction of the Board of Trustees and shall make report of such bills to the Association. All checks and vouchers must be signed by the President and the Treasure in the amount of $_________.
Section 7. All officer and trustees of the Association shall serve without pay, except the office of Secretary which may be compensated by the Board of Trustees.
Section 8. The duties of the Board of Trustees shall be as follows:
- The Board shall have the power to over-rule or modify the action of any office or committee of the Association.
- The Board shall have all books and accounts audited annually, or more often as necessary.
- The Board shall authorize all expenditures and shall not create any indebtedness beyond the income of the Association, nor disburse funds for purposes non-essential to the objectives of the Association.
- The Board of Trustees shall constitute the Executive Board of the Association, and shall be responsible for the execution, through its officers, of the authorized policies of the Association. All new business shall first be considered and shaped by the Board and must be presented to the Association members at the next regular meeting.
- The Board shall determine the date and place of the annual nomination meeting and shall instruct the Secretary to issue the call for such meetings.
- The Board shall hold regular meetings concurrently with Association meetings as to date, but starting one hour prior. Board meetings will be recessed at the hour of the Association meeting and if necessary reconvened at a time agreed upon by the Trustees present.
- The Board shall hold special meetings when called by the President, or by written request of five members in good standing.
- The Board shall determine the compensation of the Secretary, if any.
- The Board shall approve and designate, as necessary, the surety company in which the Treasurer shall be bonded.
- The Board shall receive committee reports and recommendations and shall submit to the Association such recommendations affecting the policies of the Association.
- The Board shall have the authority to pay any bills of the Association at their regular monthly meeting.
- The Board shall be in charge of any property or clubhouse of the Association and shall hold title for the same. The Board shall be responsible for all repairs and maintenance of the same.
- The board shall have the authority to determine membership classification of any and all Association members.
- The Board shall have the authority to determine special game laws pertaining to the Association property.
Section 1. The officers and trustees of the Association shall be elected as follows:
- The President shall appoint a nominating committee for the purpose of proposing the names of candidates for the various officers.
- The list of nominees will be presented to the Association members at the nomination meeting with additional nominees accepted from the membership.
- The election of officers shall take place at the June meeting of the Association.
- All elections will be by ballot of those present and qualified to vote; the persons receiving a majority of the votes cast being elected.
Section 2. The newly elected officers and trustees will assume their duties at the July meeting.
Section 3. Any office may be declare vacant by two – thirds majority vote at the first general meeting, if the official has missed three regular meetings in succession and the absence was not the result of illness or other good and sufficient reason, in such case the Board of Trustees shall appoint a successor to such offices at the next Board meeting.
Section 4. A person cannot hold more than one elected office at one time.
Section 1. The dues for Active and Associate adult memberships to the Association shall be $30 per year. Said dues shall be collected before a proposed member is identified as a member of the Association.
Section 2. The dues for Junior Memberships to the Association shall be $10 per year.
Section 3. The dues for Life Memberships to the Association shall be a onetime fee of $400.
Section 4. Honorary members of the Association shall be exempt from dues.
Section 1. The regular Association meeting will be held at the clubhouse starting at 7:30 PM, on the second Wednesday of every month.
Section 2. The regular Board of Trustees meeting will start on hour before the monthly Association meeting.
Section 3. Notice of special Association meetings shall be given to the membership seven days in advance of the meeting date. The notice shall be by publication in the local paper.
Section 1. A quorum for Association meetings shall consist of one presiding officer and not less than ten active members.
Section 2. A quorum for the Trustees meeting shall consist of four trustees and the Association President.
Section 1. Only active members in good standing may vote, and each active member may cast only one ballot.
Section 2. Life members have full voting privileges.
Section 3. Honorary members have full voting privileges.
Section 1. One delegate and one alternate shall be elected annually to represent the Association at any such convention or any association to which the Juniata County Sportsmen’s Association is a member.
Section 2. Only active members are eligible to these offices.
Section 3. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to pay the necessary expenses of at least on delegate for any convention, and if advisable, to pay the expenses of all delegates.
Section 1. The constitution can be amended by a two – thirds vote of all those active members present at and Association meeting provided that:
- Written notice has been given at the previous meeting.
- The purposed amendments have been submitted to all of the active members by mail, three months prior to the meeting at which voting will occur.
Section 2. By-laws can be amended by a two – thirds vote of all those active members present at an Association meeting.
Section 1. All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with established parliamentary procedure.
Section 2. The order of Business shall be as follows:
- Call to order
- Chaplin’s prayer
- Role call of officers
- Secretary’s report
- Treasurer’s report
- Committee reports
- Old business
- New business
- Discussion for the good of the Association
- Adjournment
Section 1. Drinking of alcoholic beverages while engaged in an shooting activity (rifle, pistol, bow, shotgun, etc.) is prohibited. Anyone visibly intoxicated can be barred from the range, and the entry fee refunded, if applicable. Habitual offenders will be brought before the Board of Trustees and the penalty will be at their discretion.
Section 2. For ungentlemanly conduct at the meetings or for the intentional violation of the purposes of the Association, a member may be suspended or expelled, or otherwise punished by two – thirds vote at the regular meeting upon due notice to the member of the intended action. The member will have the right to be heard by the Board of Trustees before such action is taken.
Section 3. Anyone having a complaint should do so in writing to the chairperson of the group responsible for work or activity involved. If it cannot be resolved in this manner to the satisfaction of all parties involved then it will be taken to the Board of Trustees.
Section 4. All hunters are advised to ask the Association’s surrounding land owners and neighbors for permission to hunt before wandering onto their grounds.
- No officer or member of this Association shall use it as a means for furthering any personal, political, or professional aspirations.
- No funds shall be solicited from the members of this Association’s meeting by any individuals who are not members of this Association.
- The President shall appoint the following standing committees:
1) The Membership Committee shall:
a) Prepare annual membership drive, including:
(1) Maintaining a list of prospective members.
(2) Preparing and distributing membership cards.
b) Develop records of the members’ interests.
c) Assist new members in becoming involved in club activites.
2) The Finance Committee shall:
a) Prepare an annual audit of all Association accounts.
b) Advise the Board of Trustees on the financial management of the Association.
c) Prepare an annual budget and make recommendations on the cost of all memberships.
d) Help other committees in the development of individual committee budgets.
3) The Kitchen Committee shall:
a) Direct all use of the kitchen.
b) Prepare recommendations pertaining to the purchase and maintenance of kitchen equipment and materials.
c) Assist in the running of fundraising dinners and events using the kitchen.
4) The Constitution Committee shall:
a) Make annual review and recommendations pertaining to the timely and proper maintenance of the Association Constitution and By – Laws.
5) The Property Committee shall:
a) Consist of at least one representative from each activity committee.
b) Make an annual inspection of all Association property.
c) Make recommendations to other committees regarding the maintenance of ranges and particular properties under each committees care.
d) Annually review the Associations insurance policy and give proof to the Board of Trustees that all Association facilities are sufficiently insured.
e) Directly maintain the main clubhouse and facilitates.
f) Have authority, upon consultation with the treasurer as to the availability of funds, to make and emergency repairs they deem necessary up to an amount of $100.
g) Under the direction of the Board of Trustees direct all building projects of the Association.
1) The Program and Entertainment Committee shall:
a) Assist in planning fundraisers and special activities.
b) Direct the publication of a quarterly newsletter to publicize the activities of the Association.
2) The Hunter Safety and Conservation Committee shall:
a) Direct in cooperation with the PGC and annual conservation camp within the county.
b) Direct in cooperation with the PGC suitable Hunter/Safety Education Programs for the certification of new hunters.
c) Develop and offer programs encouraging the highest standards of hunter ethics and responsibilities, among the membership of the Association.
3) The Juniata County Archers shall:
a) Direct the indoor and outdoor archery leagues of the Association.
b) Direct all archery tournaments and special events of the Association.
c) Maintain Association membership in appropriate national, state, and regional organizations representing the concerns of competitive archers and bow hunters.
d) Advance the sport of archery and bow hunting by providing opportunity for instruction.
e) Shall regularly inform the Board of Trustees on issues concerning wildlife management and game laws as related to the sports of archery and bow hunting.
f) Under direction of the Board of Trustees represent the J.C.S.A. and its members as advocate in issues pertaining to Pennsylvania game laws as related to the sports of archery and bow hunting.
g) Maintain all archery facilities and equipment to high standards of condition and safety.
h) Lead the membership of the Association in the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and hunting ethics.
4) The Standing Stone Muzzleloaders and Traditional Archers shall:
a) Direct all muzzle loading and traditional archery shoots and special events of the Association.
b) Maintain Association membership in appropriate national, state, and regional organizations representing the concerns of muzzle loading and traditional archery.
c) Advance the sport of muzzle loading and traditional archery by providing opportunity for instruction.
d) Shall regularly inform the Board of Trustees on issues concerning the wildlife management and game laws as related to the sport of muzzle loading and traditional archery.
e) Under direction of the Board of Trustees represent the J.C.S.A. and its members as advocate in issues pertaining to Pennsylvania game laws as related to the sport of muzzle loading and traditional archery.
f) Maintain all muzzle loading and traditional archery facilities and equipment to high standards of condition and safety.
g) Lead the membership of the Association in the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship,, and hunting ethics.
5) The Trap Range Committee shall:
a) Direct all trap shoots and special events of the Association.
b) Maintain Association membership in appropriate national, state, and regional organizations representing the concerns of shotgun sports.
c) Advance the sport of trap shooting by providing opportunity for instruction.
d) Shall regularly inform the Board of Trustees on issues concerning wildlife management and game laws as related to the sport of shot gunning.
e) Under direction of the Board of Trustees represent the J.C.S.A. and its members as advocate in issues pertaining to Pennsylvania game laws as related to the sport of shotgun sports.
f) Maintain all trap facilities and equipment to high standards of condition and safety.
g) Lead the membership of the Association in the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and hunting ethics.
6) The Rifle Range Committee shall:
a) Direct all rifle shoots and special events of the Association.
b) Maintain Association membership in appropriate national, state, and regional organizations representing the concerns of rifle sports.
c) Advance the sport of rifle shooting by providing opportunity for instruction.
d) Shall regularly inform the Board of Trustees on issues concerning wildlife management and game laws as related to the sport of rifle sports.
e) Under direction of the Board of Trustees represent the J.C.S.A. and its members as advocate in issues pertaining to Pennsylvania game laws as related to the sport of rifle sports.
f) Maintain all rifle facilities and equipment to high standards of condition and safety.
g) Lead the membership of the Association in the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and hunting ethics.
7) The Pistol Range Committee shall:
a) Direct all pistol shoots and special events of the Association.
b) Maintain Association membership in appropriate national, state, and regional organizations representing the concerns of pistol sports.
c) Advance the sport of pistol shooting by providing opportunity for instruction.
d) Shall regularly inform the Board of Trustees on issues concerning wildlife management and game laws as related to the sport of pistol sports.
e) Under direction of the Board of Trustees represent the J.C.S.A. and its members as advocate in issues pertaining to Pennsylvania game laws as related to pistol sports.
f) Maintain all pistol facilities and equipment to high standards of condition and safety.
g) Lead the membership of the Association in the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and hunting ethics.
- All committees shall consist of a chairperson, appointed by the President, and as many members as shall be deemed necessary.
- Each committee shall report monthly to the Board of Trustees in writing, and may present an oral report as necessary, and the report forwarded monthly to the general membership.
- All standing committees may have their own treasury. This treasury shall carry a balance necessary to run their activities and cover operating expenses.
- When a committee is seasonal, a final report shall be turned into the trustees and all monies turned into the general treasury until the committee becomes active again.
- Standing committees may be merged or disbanded by action of the Trustees. The Board of Trustees may take action to establish new standing committees.
- The president of the association may appoint special temporary committees as needed.
- No firearms may be discharged on the Association grounds before 12:00 noon on Sunday unless written authorization is granted by the Board of Trustees for special activities.
- Officers in the Association (President, Vice – President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chaplin) and committee chairpersons automatically become key holders.
- Active members may be allowed the privilege of a key upon being sponsored by two committees and/or club officers and approval by the Board of Trustees who shall also have the right to revoke such privileges.
- Proper procedure for the gate at the end of the club road is as follows: a) The gate should be kept locked at all times, except during shoots, meetings, and special activities. If a member is to be at the clubhouse then the gate does not have to be locked. An exception being severe weather conditions. b) Failure to follow these procedures shall result in the offender being brought before the Board of Trustees and the penalty shall be at their discretion. c) The combination to the gats is to be given only for emergency reasons (exception being made for utilities, PGC, PSP, and PFC). If the combination is given out for such purpose it shall be reported to the President. d) Officers shall be brought before the Board of Trustees and the penalty shall be at their discretion.
- A committee chairperson may spend up to $75 on necessary non-typical, but beneficial to the Association, supplies and materials with Presidential permission.
- The Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, PA fish and Game Commissions, PA Federation of Sportsmen and certain civic organizations are guests at our Association and are welcome at any time to hold their meetings here providing they do not conflict with any scheduled activities or meeting of our Association.
- The main clubhouse may be leased by officers of the Association for specific use stated in a written lease to be issued by the Board of Trustees. Authority to grant or refuse all leases shall remain with the Board who shall report such activity to the general membership.
- Conservation Officers of the PA Game Commission or their equivalent in the PA Fish Commission who serve or live in Juniata County shall have all rights and privileges of associate members.
- All ranges of the Association are for members only. No guests are allowed to us the ranges.
- By-Law (#18) does not apply to any regular scheduled shoot of any committee of this Association that is open to the public.
- All members are required to show their membership card to a Range Officer or any Officer of the Association if requested to do so.
- Hunting is allowed on the Association grounds to active members with written permission from the Board of Trustees. Associate members may apply to the Board of Trustees for hunting privileges due to special circumstances.